August 22, 2016 – The Airbus Perlan Press Briefing was a smash hit, home run, hat trick, record setting event.
Airbus and Jeffery Group arranged for real time simultaneous translations. If the speaker was in English, you could wear an ear piece and could hear in Spanish. If the question was in Spanish, you could hear in English. Ed Warnock addressed the history and goals of Perlan. Jim Payne spoke about weather and flight testing thus far. Morgan Sandercock described the build phase and flutter testing. Jamie Darcy talked about why Airbus was involved as the title sponsor. It was great to have Lindsy, Linda, Doug, and Alec providing strong support to the team. We initially thought 12-15 reporters would attend but it was more like 25-30 for that audience.
After several more interviews, the reporters departed with thumb drives of entire presentation. Then “Los Amigos del Proyecto Perlan” arrived for a light lunch. Which was some of the best food I have ever had! This was a sellout crowd as well. The team got to mingle with 50+ Argentine supporters from government agencies, Air Force, soaring pilots, and involved folks from all over Argentina. Many new contacts were made and possibilities of support were discussed. The friends got to hear and see the same presentation with translation as the morning group. But best of all Perlan Project got to say Muchas Gracias to all the Friends of Perlan. Perlan Se Eleva! Jackie